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The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has issued changes to its workplace guidance to help prevent workplace exposure to COVID-19.
Some of the changes include:
Employers can ask employees if they have flu-like symptoms. They can inquire why an employee is absent from work and to self-quarantine if they have any symptoms. Inquiries related to recent travel, and possible contact with the virus can also require employees to self-quarantine. Employers can also take an employee’s temperature, but should respect their privacy while doing so. Managers should err on the side of caution, and immediately send someone home if they are not feeling well. Workers should be encouraged to be forthcoming about any health issues, a shift from the current norm in many workplaces.

These interim guidelines will help protect employees and mitigate the COVID-19 risk in the work environment. Head to the CDC website to learn more.

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